How women shaped University history
The Special Collections team in the University’s Library has unearthed a selection of treasures from the University Archives providing an insight into the University’s history and revealing how women have helped shape the institution from its foundation to the present day.
Attenborough Arts Centre to host SEND Arts and Education Symposium
Read more about Attenborough Arts Centre's upcoming SEND Symposium showcasing its award-winning SENsory Atelier programme.
Suggested reading
If you’d like to expand your awareness of Geography, take a look at our reading suggestions. (Don’t worry, it’s not compulsory!) BSc Geography Bullard: Dumping in Dixie.
Competing on the centre right: An examination of party strategy in Britain
This research project provided a detailed analysis of the ideology, policies and strategy of the Conservative Party and UKIP at the 2009 European Parliament and the next general election.
Expert entrepreneurial advice for emerging business talent
A programme bringing the best business minds to help shape the entrepreneurial future of University students, staff and alumni has been strengthened with the addition of new expertise.
Unruly bodies and minds in the medical museum
Following Mat Fraser’s astonishing and award-winning commission Cabinet of Curiosities that toured UK museums in 2015, Exceptional & Extraordinary is inviting four artists to explore behind the scenes of eight of the UK’s most renowned medical museums.
Mandy Burton
Professor Mandy Burton researches the fields of criminal law, criminal justice and family law, with an interest in victims' rights, police and prosecution decision-making, and the criminal courts.
Key Issues and Approaches in Media Study
Module code: MS7500 Module co-ordinator: Dr Vincent Campbell Module Outline This module introduces a variety of influential, competing ways of thinking about the media within the broad area of social science research, but drawing also on other disciplines.
Audience and Reception
Module code: MS7507 Module co-ordinator: Dr Vincent Campbell Module Outline The audiences module presents a critical account and discussion of the significance of different ways of thinking about media influence, media use and patterns of media consumption.
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