Fundamentals of Evidence Based Practice
Module code: NU1018 This module is facilitated using a combination of lectures and workshops including on-line lectures, Pod casts and practice based learning, delivered in small uni-professional groups and in multi-professional groups that involve students from midwifery and...
The Child Writer
Module code: EN3073 Teaching is through weekly two-hour seminars which will include whole and small group discussions based on set readings. This module provides both traditional and innovative approaches to the child author.
Mature students
It is never too late to get back into education. The University of Leicester welcomes students of all ages and from all walks of life.
fore(e)dialogue journal
for(e)dialogue is a publication project of Media and Communication at Leicester, organised by our PhD students.
Geographies of the Market Place
Module code: GY3413 This module explores the premise that the ‘economy’ swirls around us, systemically through ‘relations of flows’. It stems from the everyday, social, material, discursive and sensual interactions that define particular places that we call ‘marketplaces’.
Geographies of the Market Place
Module code: GY3413 This module explores the premise that the ‘economy’ swirls around us, systemically through ‘relations of flows’. It stems from the everyday, social, material, discursive and sensual interactions that define particular places that we call ‘marketplaces’.
Geographies of the Market Place
Module code: GY3413 This module explores the premise that the ‘economy’ swirls around us, systemically through ‘relations of flows’. It stems from the everyday, social, material, discursive and sensual interactions that define particular places that we call ‘marketplaces’.
Locating Heritage
Module code: MU7521 This module is about locating the term ‘heritage’ in its various contexts, as a concept, a process and a resource. 'Heritage' is a fluid, contested and complex term and its meanings and uses have changed over time.
Unlocking our sound heritage
Colin Hyde and Richard Wheelband are Oral History experts working with the East Midlands Oral History Archive.
Introductory Mineral Deposits
Module code: GL3034 This module is an option for the Geology degree programmes. You'll learn about ore minerals -- their structure, composition, uses, and, most importantly, how to identify them in hand-specimen.