‘Pivotal’ study finds benefits of reduced calorie diet for pregnant women with gestational diabetes
New research from the University of Leicester has found following a reduced calorie diet during the third trimester of pregnancy is safe and beneficial for pregnant women with a body mass index (BMI) of over 25 kg/m2 who have gestational diabetes.
Business and Financial Forecasting
Module code: EC7105 Financial risk management is about understanding and forecasting the future as well as understanding the risks attached to these forecasts.
Business and Financial Forecasting
Module code: EC7105 Financial risk management is about understanding and forecasting the future as well as understanding the risks attached to these forecasts.
Business and Financial Forecasting
Module code: EC7105 Financial risk management is about understanding and forecasting the future as well as understanding the risks attached to these forecasts.
We have approximately 150 Study Abroad partner universities, in over 20 countries worldwide. The specific destinations available to you will depend on your degree programme.
Museum/Gallery Experience
Module code: MU7029 Module Outline During the summer term, all students undertake an eight-week Museum/Gallery Experience placement.
Introduction to Cinema
Module code: MS1000 Module Outline This module focuses on the history and development of film content, introducing the key issues and theories pertaining to the study of the moving image.
Celebrating 40 years of DNA fingerprinting
Today (10 September) marks the 40th anniversary of a ground-breaking discovery that transformed the way criminal investigations were carried out: DNA fingerprinting.
Partners and affiliated student groups
We are honoured to partner with a number of organisations serving the homeless population in Leicester.
Reflections on the AdvanceHE Teaching and Learning Conference
Posted by ca270 in Soundings: criminology and sociology at the University of Leicester on September 28, 2023 By (l-r in image) Jess Ritchie, Laura Nevay, Jo Murphy & Ben Ellis On 5th July, we attended the Advance HE Teaching and Learning Conference at Keele University,...