Media and Communication at Leicester

Career opportunities and events

The Talent Academy

The Talent Academy is run in conjunction with John Coster from Citizens' Eye. You will work in groups to create content across several mediums, to present a journalistic narrative on a theme. The aim of the Talent Academy is to present you with a model of using mobile technology to capture video, audio and photography content, and utilising social media to be a journalist.

Intentions event

We survey first year students on their career aspirations, and then design a careers event based on the results. The event usually includes relevant professionals delivering workshops based on their industry, as well as a 'working day'.

Interview workshops

These focus on STAR techniques designed to prepare you for interviews.

Work experience/internship opportunities

These include opportunities such as Press Office placements. The project officer in Media and Communication also provides support should you choose to apply for summer internships.

Personal branding: online and social networking

This initiative focuses on helping you present a professional profile across several social media platforms. This includes emphasis on online etiquette and unprofessional or negative practices.

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