
13032 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Leicester Criminologist invited to provide expert evidence on the intimidation of Parliamentary candidates and on combatting religious intolerance

    Professor Neil Chakraborti (pictured), Head of the Department of Criminology and Director of the Centre for Hate Studies, was invited to give expert evidence at two key events in London on the 12th and 13th September.

  • Leicester scientist discusses BepiColombo mission to Mercury

    Professor Emma Bunce, Principal Investigator of the Mercury Imaging X-ray Spectrometer (MIXS) - one of the main instruments on the upcoming BepiColombo Mercury mission which was designed and built by Leicester researchers, has been interviewed about the mission for BBC...

  • Leicester universities work with GPs to put interprofessional care on the curriculum

    University of Leicester medical academics have played a leading role in the development of a new programme that puts pharmacy students at De Montfort University (DMU) into primary care to work and learn with medical students.

  • Final chances to view popular city centre archaeological dig

    These tickets have now sold out Due to huge demand, Leicester archaeologists have announced further opportunities for members of the public to view the largest archaeological excavation in Leicester in over a decade on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 May 2017.

  • Shakespeare and English Language

    Shakespeare and English Language (Semester 2) EL3027 (Macbeth - As You Like It - Richard III) course at the ELTU.

  • Ana Cristina Costa

    The academic profile of Professor Ana Cristina Costa, Professor of Organisational Behaviour at University of Leicester

  • Marianne Hem Eriksen

    The academic profile of Dr Marianne Hem Eriksen, Associate Professor of Archaeology & PI ERC StG BODY-POLITICS at University of Leicester

  • Research Questions to Research Design

    Module code: SY7049 Research design consists of choices necessary to transform a research question into actual research.

  • Radio Communications

    Module code: EG7023 In this module you will learn the relevant factors in the design of radio communication systems.

  • Research Bootcamp (on campus)

    Module code: AR3601 The practical analysis of materials is a core skillset for any good archaeologist.

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