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Academic Librarian.
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Lei
Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester
Welcome to the Criminal Corpse Blog
Posted by Sarah Tarlow in The Power of the Criminal Corpse on September 1, 2015 Speaking as an old and ugly academic, I’ve come to realise that sometimes it takes a transfusion of young and energetic blood into an established project to liven it up.
School of Business Professor features in FT on impact of trauma
The impact of trauma on working life, and how it can even affect political and economic decisions, is the subject of a FT article featuring the views of a University of Leicester professor.
Study of Natural Disasters offers insights to save lives
Research into saving lives during times of natural disasters by an academic from our University has recently been published.
Showcasing talent free public event to discuss raising the profile of Leicester and Leicestershires literary scene
Raising the roof on Leicester’s literary talent will be a subject up for discussion between members of the public and key figures from the city and county’s literary scene this evening.
Prolific Shakespearean actor Michael Pennington to take part in Literary Leicester
Eminent stage actor, writer and director Michael Pennington will be delivering a talk and Q&A at our Literary Leicester festival on 16 November. Renowned for his performance as King Lear in New York 2014, Michael reprised the role for a major UK tour in 2016.
Event to explore new insights into Jewish Holocaust survivors and their rescuers
Jewish survivors of the Holocaust and their rescuers are the focus of a free public lecture taking place at our University on Tuesday 7 November.
New exhibition inspired by iconic Leicester playwright Joe Orton to open its doors
A new exhibition inspired by the life and work of Leicester-born playwright Joe Orton will open its doors at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) in London on Sunday 5 February.
Researchers to explore the use of e-cigarettes by young people
A research team led by our University will be exploring how young people use e-cigarettes or ‘vape’ as part of a new project funded by Cancer Research UK entitled 'Adolescent Vaping Careers'.