Academic guidance of Higher Doctorate candidates
Law school Canadian applications privacy notice
Find out more about how your data is handed as an applicant of the Canadian Law School course at Leicester.
Let’s get the ball rolling
Posted by Ana Verissimo in Cardiovascular news and views on April 2, 2014 At Leicester we’re going places.
Emily Tilley: Shedding new light on Roman artefacts
Learn more about how Museum Studies at Leicester distance learning courses have improved. The new changes mean that the course is more in-sync with the campus-based course, but still maintains the flexibility of a distance learning course.
University of Leicester recognised in UK's Best Breakthroughs list
UK's Best Breakthrough List Sir Alec Jeffreys|Discovery of DNA Fingerprinting celebrated for transformational impact on everyday lives The discovery of DNA fingerprinting from the University of Leicester has today been named as one of the UK’s 100 best breakthroughs for...
Appendix 1: Policy on student sexual violence and misconduct
Introduction 1. This policy applies to all registered students of the University and underpins the Regulations on Student Conduct and Discipline, explaining how the Regulations are implemented for cases of sexual misconduct.
Frequently asked questions
If you have a question about the Body Donation Programme at Leicester Medical School, feel free to browse our FAQs to see if we already have an answer.
CAMEo event to explore the super-rich in an age of Trump
The University's CAMEo Research Institute for Cultural and Media Economies is holding an event looking into the political power held by the super-rich on 17 May.
Third annual CAMEo conference: Re-Futuring Creative Economies
CAMEo, the Research Institute for Cultural and Media Economies, will hold its third annual conference next week. Re-Futuring Creative Economies will take place at Phoenix Arts on Thursday 5 and Friday 6 September.
Return of marked work
The policy on the return of marked work sets out the University's expectations for all departments to follow to support the provision of timely and constructive feedback to students. The policy was last revised in September 2020.