The Science of Reading to be explored in Professorial Inaugural Lecture
A free public lecture hosted by the University of Leicester will provide an insight into how the brain learns to read and how reading behaviour changes with age on Thursday 16 March.
Exhibition to represent Kurds through art
Our University is hosting a photo-art exhibition to portray the culture of Kurdistan-Iraq. The event, on Wednesday 8 February, is said to represent ‘the pain and joy of people who live in Iraq.
Psychology annual lecture to explore controversy surrounding cognitive neuroscience
Controversy surrounding the extent to which detailed information about brain activity can enhance our understanding of ourselves and how we tick will be examined at the annual Sluckin Lecture on 3 May.
Student cricketers pitch up to support NHS Blood and Transplant
Students are supporting a call for more young blood donors in Leicester. Players from the University of Leicester Cricket Club, 1sts, 2nds and the Development Squad will dress in their cricket whites to donate blood for the first time.
English Language & Literary Studies
English Language & Literary Studies (Semester 1) EL3021 (The Romantics) course offered at the ELTU.
Learning through Culture
This programme was established to encourage museums and galleries to develop their educational role.
GIS in Archaeology
Module code: AR7003 Many new technologies are being used in the field of Archaeology, and this module will enable you to explore the practical skills and theoretical debates surrounding one of the most important – GIS.
Events to discuss Brexit and the law
Fifty years of legal education in Leicester are being celebrated with public events this week showcasing aspects of Brexit and the Law.
Celebrated author to present reasoned outlook at lecture
Celebrated author and philosopher AC Grayling is to discuss the role of rationality and reason in the formation of our views and opinions during a public lecture in Seminar Room 324 of the Ken Edwards Building on Thursday 25 February starting from 6:00pm.
Programme to tackle graduate gender pay gap
Our University will officially launch the third annual Sprint Programme as part of its commitment to advancing gender equality and improving the employability of students from less advantaged backgrounds on Monday 8 February 2016.