Lecture to discuss development of radiotherapy cancer treatment - from the film age to the space age

Our University is to host a free public lecture on how imaging has transformed radiotherapy cancer treatment - from the film age to the space age.

The third George Fraser Memorial Lecture is to be held on Wednesday 19 October 2016 at 5:30 pm in the Rattray Lecture Theatre on campus. It will be delivered by Professor Phil Evans, of the University of Surrey.

Radiotherapy is a highly successful treatment for cancer, playing an important role for many of the common cancers. In modern cancer care 40% of patients receive radiotherapy as part of their treatment. As cancer treatment has evolved to be more accurate, imaging has become an ever more essential part of the process, helping to plan the treatment and allowing verification, to make sure the treatment is delivered as accurately and effectively as possible.

This talk will present the development of radiotherapy and its associated imaging in the last 30 years and show how the field has been transformed by technological developments.

Professor George Fraser, who was Director of the Space Research Centre at the University of Leicester, died suddenly on 18 March 2014. He was one of the world’s leading experts in the field of X-ray astronomy and worked on several space missions, including Beagle 2 to Mars and BepiColombo to Mercury.