Novel approach identifies people at risk of developing TB
A novel approach to studying the progression of tuberculosis (TB) from infection to disease has identified and treated people at increased risk of developing the disease that current methods of testing would not.
Catchment Systems
Module code: GY2357 A catchment, or drainage basin, is the area of land drained by a stream or river and is the fundamental landscape unit that collects and redistributes water and sediment from uplands to lowlands and ultimately the sea.
Key financial information
Key financial information about the University of Leicester, including our legal and charity status, financial details, banking arrangements, and management and governance.
Introduction to Classical Archaeology
Module code: AR1603 For centuries, many have considered the ‘Classical world’ of Ancient Greece and Rome to have been ancestral to Western civilization.
Introduction to Classical Archaeology
Module code: AR1603 For centuries, many have considered the ‘Classical world’ of Ancient Greece and Rome to have been ancestral to Western civilization.
Introduction to Classical Archaeology
Module code: AR1603 For centuries, many have considered the ‘Classical world’ of Ancient Greece and Rome to have been ancestral to Western civilization.
Monster planet discovery offers new insights into planet formation
A giant planet – the existence of which was previously thought extremely unlikely – has been discovered by an international collaboration of astronomers, including researchers from our Department of Physics and Astronomy.
Oadby telescope in black hole study
A telescope in Oadby is playing a crucial part in observing a rare astronomical phenomenon. NASA's Swift satellite detected a rising tide of high-energy X-rays from the constellation Cygnus on June 15, just before 2:32 p.m. EDT.
Events to explore the fight for equality power politics and inspirational figures
The University is celebrating Black History Month 2015 by hosting a number of free public events throughout October.
New radio plays to celebrate Adrian Moles 50th birthday
Budding writers are being called upon to help celebrate literary character Adrian Mole's 50th birthday.