Ground control arrives at Leicester
Scientists at our University are a step closer to controlling their own satellite missions now that a new satellite ground station dish has been installed on campus.
Research degrees
English at the University of Leicester is a major centre for research. We offer expert supervision, by nationally and internationally known scholars and critics, across the full range of literature from the medieval period to the present day.
Launch of four new research centres
The School are delighted to announce the approval of four new research centres: Centre for Sustainable Organisations Centre for Healthcare Innovation, Policy and Management Centre for Finance, Governance and Sustainable Growth Choice Research Centre Our...
Health Technology Assessment
Module code: MD7449 Health Technology Assessment (HTA) attempts to answer the following questions about new health technologies including drugs, medical equipment, diagnostic techniques, public health programmes: Does the technology work? For whom (does it work)? ...
Health Technology Assessment
Module code: MD7449 Health Technology Assessment (HTA) attempts to answer the following questions about new health technologies including drugs, medical equipment, diagnostic techniques, public health programmes: Does the technology work? For whom (does it work)? ...
Kenya: Environment, Gender and Development
Module code: GY3316 This module offers students the opportunity for fieldwork-based critical engagement with contemporary theories, issues and debates in environment and development geographies.
New research highlights impact of COVID-19 pandemic on UK pilots
The University of Leicester’s Civil Safety and Security Unit has carried out a study highlighting the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on UK pilots.
Leicester cardiology consultant awarded prestigious research professorship
A cardiology consultant from Leicester has been awarded a prestigious research professorship from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).
Find out more about the Division of Primary Care research at the University of Leicester.
New research sheds light on how reward-induced behaviour in the brain may be controlled
A new study has shed light on how reward-associated behaviour can be controlled by different groups of neurons in the brain.