
16400 results for: ‘%s’

  • Graduation documents

    Immediately after the ceremony, while you are still in De Montfort Hall, you will be given your graduation documents: your actual degree certificate and transcript (if applicable). Look after them - there is a charge to replace them.

  • Adult education Theres no age limit to learning at Leicester

    Charlotte Barratt works in the Widening Participation team at the University of Leicester: "I work mainly with mature students: My work involves encouraging people over the age of 21 to come to university, to highlight their options and to try and encourage them to come...

  • Prevention

    Research theme lead: Professor Karen Brown Academic research theme members Dr Sam Khan Dr Alessandro Rufini Dr Cristina Tufarelli Professor Don JL Jones Prevention, through the use of safe and effective therapies offers a largely untapped strategy for...

  • Making History

    Module code: HS1000 This module is an introduction to using resources and researching history at university, it will cover using the library, and the wealth of materials that it has on offer.

  • Making History

    Module code: HS1000 This module is an introduction to using resources and researching history at university, it will cover using the library, and the wealth of materials that it has on offer.

  • Making History

    Module code: HS1000 This module is an introduction to using resources and researching history at university, it will cover using the library, and the wealth of materials that it has on offer.

  • Theories of Risk, Crisis and Disasters

    Module code: MN7631 During the last forty years, risk has increasingly become of interest to social analysts and practitioners. Risk, however, is not a new problem.

  • Theories of Risk, Crisis and Disasters

    Module code: MN7631 During the last forty years, risk has increasingly become of interest to social analysts and practitioners. Risk, however, is not a new problem.

  • Theories of Risk, Crisis and Disasters

    Module code: MN7631 During the last forty years, risk has increasingly become of interest to social analysts and practitioners. Risk, however, is not a new problem.

  • Long-term cognitive and psychiatric effects of COVID-19 revealed in new study

    Many people who were hospitalised with COVID-19 continue to have cognitive and psychiatric problems even two to three years post-infection, according to a new study published by researchers from the University of Leicester

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