
7756 results for: ‘Primary Education’

  • Critical Digital Geographies

    Module code: GY3425 This final year module will reflect critically on the changing predominant philosophies of GIScience over time.

  • Contemporary Digital Geographies

    Module code: GY3251 Module Outline This module takes a more intellectual and critical focus to GIScience (taken in its broadest sense) than in your earlier studies, and seeks to unpack a range of contemporary issues encountered when applying spatial digital technologies.

  • Physics and Astronomy Blog: Showcasing the cutting-edge research and diverse scientific community in

    Showcasing the cutting-edge research and diverse scientific community in the School of Physics and Astronomy.

  • A Global History of Convicts and Penal Colonies

    Posted by Clare Anderson in Carceral Archipelago on June 20, 2018   The main objective of the ‘Carceral Archipelago’ project has been to write the history of convicts and penal colonies into global history, by synthesizing existing research on some geographical contexts...

  • Improvement Science Fellowship

    SAPPHIRE’s Natalie Armstrong has recently been awarded a Health Foundation Improvement Science Fellowship, in this blog she reflects on her experiences so far and what she’ll be getting up to over the next three years.

  • Hidden inscriptions hint at mystery medieval woman’s identity

    Drawings and the name ‘Eadburg’ found scratched into early medieval manuscript by University of Leicester PhD student.

  • Professor George Fraser

    George Fraser was born 22 July 1955 near Inverness and was a proud Highlander.

  • New satellite imagery reveals impact on urban landscape in wake of tragic earthquake

    Earth observation scientists at University of Leicester release satellite imagery to help inform humanitarian efforts in Turkey and Syria

  • Forests recovering from logging act as a source of carbon

    New study led by University of Leicester PhD student and Imperial College London researchers contradicts previous assumptions.

  • Econometrics

    Lead: Professor Lorenzo Trapani This research group will focus on the research that deals with theoretical and applied econometrics.

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