
8682 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Wills and the Administration of Estates

    Module code: LW3511 In this module you'll consider the construction and effect of wills, as well as debate other forms of post death succession. This will include intestacy, the law of survivorship and forfeiture.

  • Fluid Instability, Transition and Turbulence

    Module code: EG4115 When a liquid or gas flows through pipes or over a solid structure such as a car or aircraft wing the flow can become turbulent.

  • Fluid Instability, Transition and Turbulence

    Module code: EG7115 When a liquid or gas flows through pipes or over a solid structure such as a car or aircraft wing the flow can become turbulent.

  • Aerospace Materials and Structures

    Module code: EG3422 During this module you'll learn about the main lightweight alloys (aluminium, titanium and magnesium) and carbon-fibre composite materials, as well as how their processing and properties allow them to be used in modern aircraft and spacecraft...

  • Comparative Public Opinion

    Module code: PL3148 This module explores the main theories, concepts and methods found in the academic study public opinion.

  • Documents of the History of Art

    Module code: HA2319 (double module) This module will introduce you to a range of art historical documents, from artist’s notes, sketches, diaries and letters, to biographical accounts and avant-garde manifestoes.

  • Digital and Social Media Journalism

    Module code:JO2005 This module will introduce you to digital and social media journalism.

  • Computer Engineering

    Module code: EG1202 Software and computers are at the heart of all modern electronic and electrical products. As an Electronic and Electrical Engineer you'll need to be able to write computer code and understand how this is implemented in real hardware.

  • Embedded Systems

    Module code: EG2222 Embedded Systems are programmed microelectronics devices allowing operating and control systems to be embedded within an engineering device.

  • Aerospace Materials and Structures

    Module code: EG3422 During this module you'll learn about the main lightweight alloys (aluminium, titanium and magnesium) and carbon-fibre composite materials, as well as how their processing and properties allow them to be used in modern aircraft and spacecraft...

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