Lis-Bibliometrics Conference 2024: Exploring The Bibliometric Universe
Posted by William Farrell in Library and Learning Services on October 16, 2024 Merinne Whitton, research metrics lead in the Research Services team, reports back from the recent Lis-Bibliometrics Conference.
Physics with Astrophysics MPhys
This four-year degree expands on the Physics with Astrophysics BSc to prepare you for high-level entry into industry. It’s also a solid base for pursuing PhD research.
The football: a 'simple' game?
Read the article "The football: a 'simple' game?" This is part of the Social Worlds project at the University of Leicester.
Discovering a King
Dr Turi King led the genetic investigation to establish the identity of King Richard III.
Nibedita Bennett
Information and contact details for Dr Nibedita S Ray Bennett, Associate Professor in Risk Management at the University of Leicester.
Andrew Dunn: Page 204
Academic Librarian.
University mathematicians calculate how Foxes won the English Premier League
Mathematicians at the University have generated the perfect formula to describe the historic achievement of Leicester City Football Club who won the English Premier League with 5000-1 odds at the start of the season.
Archive for September 2023: Page 2
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MA Museum Studies Placement, Weeks 1-2
Posted by Sarah Wood in Library Special Collections on July 29, 2022 by Christian Newth The Gorilla Word Games Book published in 1988 by Hodder & Stoughton Hello, my name is Christian Newth and I am a student doing my placement for the Museum Studies course here at the...
Changes to the Doctoral College Reading Room
The Library seeks feedback from research students on changes to the Doctoral College Reading Room.