Sets, Relations and Groups
Module code: MA1105 This module is a broad-based introduction to fundamental ideas which form the foundation for mathematics. We shall focus a lot of our attention on sets and structures on them.
Andrew Dunn: Page 110
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Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Lei
Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester
Andrew Dunn: Page 135
Academic Librarian.
Third year fieldwork
Find out about the exciting fieldwork you'll undertake during your third year studying with us. You will undertake an independent field-based project, which is is an exercise in practical, deductive geology and forms an important part of your degree.
The Bulletin - UK first heart operations using novel system at Leicester
In this episode of The Bulletin from the University of Leicester News Centre: Hear about the UK first heart operations using novel system which have been carried out thanks to University of Leicester research.
Roger Matthews
We have sadly learned of the death of Roger Matthews, who passed away on 7 April 2020, aged 71 from the effects of COVID-19. Roger was a lecturer in the Department of Criminology from 1990 to 1993, sandwiched between two periods of work at Middlesex University.
Dons, Yardies and Posses: Representations of Jamaican Organised Crime
‘Dons, Yardies and Posses: Representations of Jamaican Organised Crime’ is an international and interdisciplinary research network funded by the AHRC as part of the RCUK cross-council theme of transnational organised crime. Learn more about the project.
Advanced Composite Materials
Module code: EG7126 In this module you will be introduced to a subset of materials called composites, their uses, and the ways they can be analysed and used in engineering applications.
Learn about the facilities available to you as a mature student, including the David Wilson library, our sports centres and our nursery.