
8685 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Sets, Relations and Groups

    Module code: MA1105 This module is a broad-based introduction to fundamental ideas which form the foundation for mathematics. We shall focus a lot of our attention on sets and structures on them.

  • Andrew Dunn: Page 110

    Academic Librarian.

  • Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Lei

    Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester

  • Andrew Dunn: Page 135

    Academic Librarian.

  • Third year fieldwork

    Find out about the exciting fieldwork you'll undertake during your third year studying with us. You will undertake an independent field-based project, which is is an exercise in practical, deductive geology and forms an important part of your degree.

  • The Bulletin - UK first heart operations using novel system at Leicester

    In this episode of The Bulletin from the University of Leicester News Centre: Hear about the UK first heart operations using novel system which have been carried out thanks to University of Leicester research.

  • Roger Matthews

    We have sadly learned of the death of Roger Matthews, who passed away on 7 April 2020, aged 71 from the effects of COVID-19. Roger was a lecturer in the Department of Criminology from 1990 to 1993, sandwiched between two periods of work at Middlesex University.

  • Dons, Yardies and Posses: Representations of Jamaican Organised Crime

    ‘Dons, Yardies and Posses: Representations of Jamaican Organised Crime’ is an international and interdisciplinary research network funded by the AHRC as part of the RCUK cross-council theme of transnational organised crime. Learn more about the project.

  • Advanced Composite Materials

    Module code: EG7126 In this module you will be introduced to a subset of materials called composites, their uses, and the ways they can be analysed and used in engineering applications.

  • Facilities

    Learn about the facilities available to you as a mature student, including the David Wilson library, our sports centres and our nursery.

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