Re-use of public sector information
public task statement setting out the functions carried out by the University Library under the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015
Internet Verification Handbook
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on February 7, 2014 Internet Verification Handbook How do you know if something published on the Internet is true? This free handbook has been published for journalists in emergency situations by the...
Social movements and the next phase of healthcare improvement: The View from 2004
Posted by Nate in Medical Leadership in the Foundations on March 23, 2019 What do NHS leaders do when they want to start a grass roots movement? Well, according to Bate, Robert and Bevan, they get 15 policy makers together and hold a colloquium.
Leicester Start-Up Week offers new opportunities for young businesses
From 18-24 November 2019 the University of Leicester and De Montfort University along with businesses and organisations across the city will unite for the second annual Leicester Start-Up Week.
ITV drama set at the University to air over Easter
The first episode of the two-part ITV fictional drama based on the discovery of DNA fingerprinting at the University of Leicester and its first use in a murder enquiry will air over the Easter bank holiday weekend.
Previous projects Since its conception in 2016/17, LIAS has responded to the research landscape by offering varied schemes to align with strategic themes and evolving needs.
Sloothby, Lincolnshire
Listen to speakers from Sloothby, Lincolnshire from a range of backgrounds as part of the dialect project between researchers from Nottingham Trent University and the University of Leicester.
Italian Women's Writing
Module code: IT3137 Students will be introduced to the theoretical and practical implications of a study of women’s writing in Italy. Texts will be viewed within a shifting social, cultural and political context over the twentieth century.
Policing in Practice
Module code: CR3034 This module applies key concepts and debates considered throughout the course to the practice of policing. We will examine new and emergent forms of policing, and specialisms within the police, to critically consider the complexity of policing as an activity.
Punishment and Rehabilitation
Module code: CR2008 (double module) Many different approaches to punishment can be seen across the globe from the death penalty or life imprisonment, to yoga in prison and unpaid work. Each of these approaches can be justified in their own way.