Delivering online teaching
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on December 10, 2021 University of Kent ‘s Digitally Enhanced Education Webinars YouTube Channel.
Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
Module code: BS3054 Module co-ordinator: Professor John Challiss In this module you will study molecular pharmacology and signal transduction pathways (especially those regulated by GPCRs), including their structure and function in different cells and tissues.
An Introduction to World Archaeology AD
Module code: AR1005 Module co-ordinator: Dr Neil Christie What is the legacy of the Roman Empire? What can archaeology tell us of Viking raids and Viking settlement? Were castles all for military activity? What does architecture reveal about religion in...
Modern Literature and Theory 1
Module code: EN7031 Module co-ordinator: to be confirmed This module demonstrates how literary analysis can be enhanced through the consideration of genre (the Caribbean short story), to highlight the treatment of modern issues in literature (AIDS), and to critically assess...
Autobiography and American Literature
Module code: EN3111 Module co-ordinator: Nick Everett American culture has always attached great value to the individual and autobiography – in one form or another – has always flourished in the United States.
What makes cities competitive?
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on January 8, 2016 Find out by downloading a recent working paper from the World Bank – Kilroy, A.F.L., Mukim, M., Negri, S. (2015) Competitive cities for jobs and growth : what, who, and how .
Grantham Rock!
Posted by Colin Hyde in Library and Learning Services on April 19, 2023 The East Midlands Oral History Archive (EMOHA) and The University of Leicester Special Collections have launched a new project, ‘Sounds for the Future’.
Natasha Callis: My week of work experience
Posted by Karin Li in Library and Learning Services on June 30, 2023 Guest post by Natasha Callis, work experience student. This week, I’ve been doing work experience at the University of Leicester Library.
Previous research grants and projects
Details of previous research grants and projects in the Global, Colonial and Postcolonial Research Cluster at The University of Leicester are listed for your information.
Published research in the field of Social Epigenetics involving insects and authored by members or alumni of University of Leicester's Social Epigenetics Lab.