Leading expert to discuss co-working and workplace culture
A leading expert will be discussing co-working, technology and workplace culture, at an event entitled ‘Co-Working Dynamics and the City’ at the our University on Wednesday 1 March.
Researchers to present evidence to Joint Committee on Human Rights Inquiry
Experts from our School of Business will deliver evidence to a Joint Committee on Human Rights inquiry exploring the progress British business has made in carrying out its responsibility to respect human rights.
Leicester management researcher involved in new study of settlement system
A University of Leicester Lecturer in Design and Innovation Management is part of a team of researchers examining the success of an innovative financial settlement system.
Showcasing talent free public event to discuss raising the profile of Leicester and Leicestershires literary scene
Raising the roof on Leicester’s literary talent will be a subject up for discussion between members of the public and key figures from the city and county’s literary scene this evening.
Culture sector backs trans inclusion guidance for museums, galleries, archives and heritage
Trans-inclusive Culture: Guidance on advancing trans inclusion for museums, galleries, archives and heritage organisations
Ipso Mori state of the nation report 2013
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on January 18, 2013 Ipso Mori state of the nation report 2013 examined public attitudes towards the economy and indicated a growing optimism in relation to last year.
School of Business recognised for support to local enterprise
The University of Leicester School of Business has been recognised for its contribution to local businesses and entrepreneurs through renewal of the Small Business Charter award.
Michael J Curtis Job Tips
Posted by Martin Coffey in Postgraduate Researcher Careers on February 17, 2021 I was a 1970s undergraduate, at a time when there was much change in world of archaeology, and I found myself leaving university and venturing into that scary world of business.
Natural Sciences student complaints procedure
The School of Biological Sciences welcomes feedback, and we understand that occasionally you may wish to make a complaint. Find out about our student feedback and complaints procedure.
Physics and Astronomy student complaints procedure
The Department of Physics and Astronomy aims to ensure that all our students have the opportunity to benefit from their studies and other opportunities offered by the University. View our student complaints procedure.