Writing the Magic of the Criminal Corpse. By Owen Davies
Posted by Emma Battell Lowman in The Power of the Criminal Corpse on November 2, 2015 It is that time in a major research project when the final outputs are being worked on.
Increased activity during the summer caused by genes
The warm temperature on a summer’s day is often a time for relaxing, but researchers from the Department of Genetics have suggested that a ‘thermosensory’ gene could be responsible for changes in behaviour in different climates.
Field School
Module code: AR2550 This module consists of at least one week’s practical work on a current research project, plus linked readings and assessment. The School runs research field projects in and around Leicester, and further afield across the UK, and this varies year on year.
Principles of Banking
Module code: EC2033 Module co-ordinator: Dr Carlos Díaz Vela Module Aims By the end of this module, a typical student will be able to describe the key characteristics of banking and financial intermediation, analyse a bank’s balance sheet, income statements and...
hconnolly: Page 2
Disagreeing on what is fair in the workplace, and what we can do about Posted by hconnolly in School of Business Blog on September 27, 2018 In this blog, Dr Rasim Kurdoglu, who successfully defended his doctoral thesis on 17th September 2018, discusses his research on...
Andrew Dunn: Page 151
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Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Lei
Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester
Funding sources
Find out more about funding sources for your course if you are a distance learner, a mature student, a care leaver, a disabled student, a student with children or a student with an adult dependant.
Dr Yang Xiao
The academic profile of Dr Yang Xiao, Lecturer in Engineering (Electrical and Electronics) at University of Leicester
Andrew Dunn: Page 43
Academic Librarian.