
10565 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • Business Analytics

    Module code: EC1023 This module is designed to equip you with a comprehensive understanding of statistical concepts and their applications in accounting and finance.

  • Italian Linguistics

    Module code: IT2011 This module offers an introduction to Italian language and linguistics, as well as key elements of sociolinguistics.

  • Authors and Genres

    Module code: IT1027 In this module you will be introduced to postwar Italian literature through the study of selected works, authors and genres, such as the novel and the modern short story. Texts are read in Italian and in English translation.

  • The Novel Around the World

    Module code: EN1020 (double module) On this module you will read six novels written in varying styles, and drawn from a range of historical and national contexts.

  • North American Indigenous Literatures

    Module code: EN7922 This module introduces you to North American Indigenous literatures – texts of all sorts by Indigenous authors writing from the territories we now know as the United States and Canada.

  • The Novel Around the World

    Module code: EN1020 (double module) On this module you will read six novels written in varying styles, and drawn from a range of historical and national contexts.

  • Business Analytics

    Module code: EC1023 This module is designed to equip you with a comprehensive understanding of statistical concepts and their applications in accounting and finance.

  • Authors and Genres

    Module code: IT1027 In this module you will be introduced to postwar Italian literature through the study of selected works, authors and genres, such as the novel and the modern short story. Texts are read in Italian and in English translation.

  • Italian Linguistics

    Module code: IT2011 This module offers an introduction to Italian language and linguistics, as well as key elements of sociolinguistics.

  • Classical Landscapes

    Module code: AR7528 This module explores the nature and scope of the various sources of evidence – textual and archaeological, for the study of classical landscapes and the social use of space.

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