Dora's story
Dora Northern was born Dora Schutte in Berlin, Germany in 1923. When she was ten years old, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party came to power in her country. Dora lived in Germany until the end of the Second World War.
Education and CPD courses
Continuing professional development is now an essential element of career development and helps to enhance job security and prospects.
Details, descriptions and links on the learning resources for microbial genomes.
The cell cycle, mitosis and meiosis
The cell cycle is the four stage process in which the cell becomes two cells. We provide academic materials for learning purposes for various levels of education.
Library news
News items from the University of Leicester Library
Facilities for students
As a business student you will benefit from our new £16 million School of Business campus, Brookfield. You will study here as well as on the University's bustling main campus, just a 10 minute walk away.
Teacher Education
Module code: ED7505 This module aims to introduce you to some core considerations in Second Language Teacher Education.
Module code: HS7000 You’re coming to the conclusion of your postgraduate study, and your dissertation is the chance to put all your learning into practice.
MRes Dissertation
Module code: HS7450 You’re coming to the conclusion of your postgraduate study, and your dissertation is the chance to put all your learning into practice.
Producing resources for schools
History at the University of Leicester - Building and Enriching Shared Heritages project. This guide offers advice and tips on involving local schools in your project, from defining your target audience to developing activities and approaching a school.