
9709 results for: ‘map’

  • University urges others to support The Big Help Out volunteer drive

    A major Leicester institution with a proud history of supporting communities has thrown its weight behind a nationwide volunteering project which marks the Coronation of His Majesty the King.

  • Record-breaking artist and successful technology entrepreneur gives University of Leicester graduates advice for life

    A tech entrepreneur-turned-artist has returned to the University of Leicester to receive an honorary degree.

  • Museum and Society

    Museum & Society was launched at the University of Leicester as an independent peer reviewed journal which brings together new writing by academics and museum professionals on the subject of museums. Find out more.

  • Alumni Association Committee

    See the Alumni Committee's terms of reference and membership, including details of their role, responsibilities, reporting hierarchy and meetings.

  • Pioneering new research revolutionises early detection of TB

    Researchers at the University of Leicester and the University of Pretoria are revolutionising the way tuberculosis (TB) is diagnosed through the invention of a 3D printed insert added to a simple face mask, which has the potential to save millions of lives across the world...

  • UK scientists generate electricity from rare element to power future space missions

    Experts have generated electricity from a rare chemical element for the first time which may mean future space missions can be powered for up to 400 years.

  • Spring Call 2023 - Closed

    MRC CiC/Leicester Drug Discovery and Diagnostics (LD3) Spring Call. Find out about funding and how to apply.

  • Our Impact so Far – University of Leicester

    Outline of the results - in terms of research impact - the consuming authenticities AHRC project has achieved to date, with a focus on the research collaboration facilitated by a workshop at the National Library of Wales.

  • Angus Cameron

    Senior Lecturer and Deputy Head of School. He blogs at and tweets as @Tausendkunstler.

  • More on overtime

    Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on May 24, 2019 How much overtime do British workers do? The Office for National Statistics has  Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) .

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