


The higher doctorate candidate shall be required as a condition of registration to abide by the Senate Regulations and all other regulations and procedures approved and amended from time to time by the University throughout the period of the higher doctorate programme.

Initial registration


The higher doctorate candidate shall commence registration at an appropriate date with the agreement of the Department.

Registration periods


Each higher doctorate programme shall have a specified maximum period of registration. The higher doctorate candidate must submit the thesis for examination by the end of the maximum period of registration.


The maximum period of registration for all higher doctorate programmes shall be one year. The specified maximum period shall be calculated by reference to the higher doctorate candidate’s initial date of registration.


Higher doctorate candidates shall not normally maintain registration beyond the maximum period. Higher doctorate candidates who have experienced extenuating circumstances which are accepted by the University may be given an extension of registration beyond the specified maximum period.


Requests for an extension of registration must have the support of the Department and shall be subject to approval from the Graduate Dean. The higher doctorate candidate must submit the thesis for examination by the end of the extension period.

Suspensions of programme


Higher doctorate candidates who have experienced extenuating circumstances which are accepted by the University may suspend their programme. A suspension is an approved period of absence from the higher doctorate programme.


Requests for a suspension of programme must have the support of the Department and shall be subject to approval from the Graduate Dean.


Periods of suspension shall normally be at least three months in duration. Higher doctorate candidates shall not normally suspend their programme for a period exceeding twelve months over the duration of the higher doctorate programme. Higher doctorate candidates returning from a period of suspension shall normally resume their programme as of the first day of the relevant month. The suspension period shall not count towards the specified maximum registration period.

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