
19770 results for: ‘%s’

  • The height of gentrification?

    Tia Ndu, PhD Student has entered a piece entitled 'The height of gentrification?'.

  • Professor JHWG Liebeschuetz

    It is with great sadness that the family of Professor John Hugo Wolfgang Gideon Liebeschuetz announces his passing, after a brief illness, on 12 July 2022 at the age of 95. We have lost a much-loved family member, friend to many, and a highly respected scholar of history.

  • University of Leicester students unveil Windrush mural at David Wilson Library

    Students from Leicester Law School have unveiled a mural to celebrate the Windrush Generation at David Wilson Library

  • Obituary: Sir Michael Atiyah

    Sir Michael Atiyah, who was widely regarded as Britain’s greatest mathematician, has died aged 89. Sir Michael was Chancellor of the University of Leicester between 1995 and 2005.

  • Conference on stalking aims for closer integration of services

    Representatives from the police, CPS, health and probation services together with academics from criminology, forensic psychology and other disciplines engaged in research related to stalking are gathering at the University of Leicester on Thursday 10 October 2019.

  • BBC commissions Leicester artist to mark ‘Culture in Quarantine’

    Professor Hugill directs the Creative Computing programme at the University of Leicester and is an Honorary Creative Fellow at the Attenborough Arts Centre, as well as sitting on its Advisory Board. He also leads the AHRC-funded ‘Aural Diversity’ project.

  • Music scholarships awarded to talented students

    Attenborough Arts Centre is proud to support University of Leicester students through the Alumni and Philharmonia Scholarship scheme.

  • Polymer chemistry

    Polymer chemistry is the basis of many of the objects we use in day-to-day life. Get more information on the ways in which we are researching polymers in the sustainable synthesis and cataylsis research group.

  • Leicester DNA research presented to House of Commons Science and Technology Committee

    Written evidence from the University of Leicester about the future of DNA research in the UK has been presented to the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee’s inquiry into genomics and genome editing.

  • Chinese Prisoners on Cockatoo Island, Sydney

    Chinese prisoners and former gold-diggers who were imprisoned on Cockatoo Island in Sydney (New South Wales). Explores how they were disadvantaged within the colonial justice system and how they resisted imprisonment.

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