
9370 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Allama Iqbal Open University – University of Leicester Management and Delivery of Faculty Development Programme

    A faculty development programme was established in 2020 between Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) in Pakistan and the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom.

  • Contacts for CQMU partnership 联系方式

    Contacts for the Chongqing Medical University - University of Leicester Bachelor’s Programme of Clinical Medicine and Clinical Science.

  • Professional registration

    Professional registration provides independent recognition of your achievements and maintaining the exact standards required to join the global community of professional scientists.

  • Vikram Visana

    The academic profile of Dr Vikram Visana, Lecturer in Political Theory at University of Leicester

  • Intermediate Management Accounting

    Module code: MN2138 Accounting is critical when decision-makers act in businesses. This module will reconcile your knowledge of accounting with decision-making and control within organisations.

  • Archaeology of the Modern World

    Module code: AR7531 (double module) The archaeological study of the last 500 years can enrich our understanding of many kinds of people in the past, from potentates in Benin, Khoikhoi in South Africa, and agricultural labourers in the north of Ireland to settlers in Virginia.

  • Understanding Ecosystems and Environments of the Distant Past

    Module code: GY3433 During this module you'll look at the main evidence for global environmental change during the Quaternary period.

  • Enter the Dragon: Modern Chinese History, 1839-1989

    Module code: HS2353 The formation of a nation is often a very complex and tumultuous journey, and China is no different.

  • Intermediate Management Accounting

    Module code: MN2138 Accounting is critical when decision-makers act in businesses. This module will reconcile your knowledge of accounting with decision-making and control within organisations.

  • Understanding Ecosystems and Environments of the Distant Past

    Module code: GY3433 During this module you'll look at the main evidence for global environmental change during the Quaternary period.

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