
9709 results for: ‘map’

  • New enzyme research could help to develop drugs to treat diseases such as cancer and Alzheimers Disease

    New knowledge about the mechanism of specific protein complexes in the body could help in the development of better drugs for the treatment of diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s, according to research led by Professor John Schwabe from the Department of Molecular and...

  • Whats the difference between margin trading and gambling

    Margin trading allows an individual to borrow money from a broker in order to take much larger positions in financial assets and therefore multiply the size of their gains and losses.

  • Hunting the silent killer

    Professor Jacqui Shaw is leading research into new ways of detecting and monitoring cancer through the development of liquid biopsies or blood based tests.

  • Working with faith community to combat diabetes

    A faith community that we have worked alongside to fight diabetes is now hosting an event on campus to explore how making small changes can help to fight diabetes in a big way.

  • Historian in TV series

    Dr Michael Lynch (pictured), Honorary Fellow in our School History, Politics & International Relations, has been involved in a number of TV series on modern history in recent years.

  • Expert opinions cover the Reformation Emily Bronts Heathcliff and Trumps media tactics

    Dr Angus Cameron from our School of Business has written an article for The Conversation discussing Jakob Fugger, the man who underwrote the ambition of power-hungry medieval Princes.

  • 2nd January 2016 Sol 1211

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on January 2, 2016 This HiRISE image taken from Mars Reconaissance Orbiter shows Curiosity in its current position at the margin of the steep slope of the Bagnold dunes.

  • 19th July 2016 Sol 1405

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on July 19, 2016 MSL is back and working as normal. This MastCam picture shows that even at this early stage of the dust season (ls = 190 ie we haven’t reached perihelion of Mars orbit yet) the crater rim is becoming obscured.

  • 15th February 2016 Sol 1254

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on February 15, 2016 We have now started driving away from the main Namib dunes, and onto the Naukluft Plateau.

  • 25th February 2015 Sol 908

    Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on February 25, 2015 Here is the latest, spectacular MAHLI selfie, made from a mosaic of the microscope imager pictures in January shortly befroe we drilled Mojave2.

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