
9709 results for: ‘map’

  • Senate regulation 9: Regulations governing Research Degree Programmes: Research student responsibilities, copyright, and leave (9.140-9.177)

    Research student obligations and research conduct 9.139 Research students must familiarise themselves with the general definitions of misconduct specified in Senate Regulation 11. These include both academic and non-academic forms of misconduct. 9.

  • Policy on engagement for international sponsored students

    Download the policy (PDF, 203kb) General Introduction 1.1 International students studying in the UK on a Student Route visa sponsored by the University have an obligation to attend all of their timetabled teaching and to engage fully in all aspects of their programme of study.

  • Spring 2021 newsletter

    Happy Easter, Patient and Carer Group! Following on from the winter newsletter, a time to reflect and to support each other as we move into a new phase, and gradually leave lockdown, and celebrate spring.

  • Evelyn Waugh, Cynic?

    A summary of Naomi Milthorpe's research in the Evelyn Waugh Collection at the Huntington Library.

  • What’s happening in Jupiter’s upper atmosphere down at the equator?

    Posted by Rosie Johnson in Leicester to Jupiter: The Juno Mission on September 8, 2016 The northern and southern lights of Jupiter are a vibrant and dynamic phenomena, generated by a complex array of mechanisms that create the most powerful aurora in the solar system .

  • Dating the Social Death of the Eighteenth Century Criminal. By Rachel Bennett

    Posted by Emma Battell Lowman in Carceral Archipelago on June 23, 2015 In April 2015 I presented a paper at a conference held at the University of Leicester entitled ‘When is Death?’ The conference was organised by members of the Wellcome Trust funded project, Harnessing the...

  • Dismemberment in Victorian London: The Thames Torso Murders. By Shane McCorristine

    Posted by Emma Battell Lowman in The Power of the Criminal Corpse on May 31, 2016   Battersea, London. Source: The A to Z of Victorian London. Harry Margary, Lympne Castle, Kent, 1987.

  • Human rights laws at a crossroads: what directions after Brexit?

  • $name

  • Global Mental Health - Training in an International Context

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