
9709 results for: ‘map’

  • Senate regulation 9: Regulations governing Research Degree Programmes: General, admissions, and registration (9.1-9.46)

    9.1 These regulations shall apply to applicants and registered research students for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Master of Philosophy (MPhil).

  • Senate regulation 9: Regulations governing Research Degree Programmes: Progress and probation reviews (9.109-9.139)

    Progress review monitoring 9.108 Research students registered for the degree of PhD, MD, PsyD, or MPhil must successfully complete a regular formal review of their progress. 9.

  • Software Engineering BSc

    At the highest levels, software drives almost every industry. By combining technical programming expertise with real-world experience, you’ll discover how to shape the way people interact with technology.

  • Software Engineering BSc

    At the highest levels, software drives almost every industry. By combining technical programming expertise with real-world experience, you’ll discover how to shape the way people interact with technology.

  • Copyright and ethics

    Learn more about copyright and ethics when it comes to conducting oral history interviews.

  • Not for the likes of you

    In 2001 RCMG were commissioned to undertake a research audit to advise cultural organisations on how to develop more inclusive messages.

  • Justice and the Future

    Module code: LW7087 This module is intended to focus on some of the most important themes connecting global justice, global institutions, sustainability and the future.

  • Introductory Chemistry Practical

    Module code: CH0062 Chemistry is an experimental science and you'll be taking part in many practical experiments during your undergraduate study.

  • Justice and the Future

    Module code: LW7087 This module is intended to focus on some of the most important themes connecting global justice, global institutions, sustainability and the future.

  • Introductory Chemistry Practical

    Module code: CH0062 Chemistry is an experimental science and you'll be taking part in many practical experiments during your undergraduate study.

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