An archive listing of the spring seminar events of 2022.
When to apply for accommodation
Your offer of a place on a course at Leicester, and your acceptance of that offer, will affect when you can apply for accommodation. Find out more about when to apply.
Contextual offers
With our commitment to equal opportunities, a contextual offer means that Leicester will take into consideration contextual data in your application to fully understand your academic potential.
Nomination of examiners privacy notice
Find out more about how your data is handled if you are nominated or hired as an external examiner at the University of Leicester.
REACH teacher privacy notice for teachers, advisers, care workers and/or parents
Get more information about how the data is handled for teachers and learners around the collaborative partnership of the REACH team.
New insight into frictionless surfaces is slippery slope to energy-efficient technology
Scientists led by the University of Leicester have made an insight into superlubricity, revealing that friction is reduced further at lower temperatures
Data Protection Statement and Privacy Notice
Data protection statement and privacy notice for the use of personal data in the Library
Industrial Advisory Board (IAB)
The Department of Informatics at the University of Leicester has an Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) to foster co-operation between the Department and key industrial partners in areas of common interest.
The Loved One – University of Leicester
Evelyn Waugh Book Group: September 2014 'The Loved One'
How much do you know about the founders and early benefactors of our University? by Caroline Wessel
Posted by Simon Dixon in Library Special Collections on November 1, 2019 To celebrate our Centenary Years, Special Collections would like to share with you new research, which not only paints a picture of the how we were founded, but also the way of life and the connection of...