Management of Complex and Long-term Conditions in Children's Nursing
Module code: NU3115 (double module) Nurses undertake an important role in meeting the health needs of children and young people living with complex and long-term conditions – these nurse/patient relationships are long-lasting and trusting.
Learn more about the Rainforests programme that we offer to primary school children.
Professor Giasemi Vavoula
The academic profile of Professor Giasemi Vavoula, Museum Studies, University of Leicester
The publications released by The Centre of Landscape and Climate Research for academic purposes.
Physical Geography and GIS
Find your research degree supervisor in Physical Geography and GIS at Leicester.
Where Empires Meet
Posted by Clare Anderson in Carceral Archipelago on May 3, 2015 In a previous blog , I wrote on the theme of the politics of comparison, of the connected history of circulation and mobility that underpins the CArchipelago project team’s approach to the historiography,...
Keeping our community safe
University of Leicester has set out the plans it has put in place to protect students, staff and the community against the risks of COVID-19 infection.
Advanced Electrical and Electronic Engineering MSc
Advance your learning and you’ll advance your electrical and electronic engineering job prospects. For a complex field, it’s a simple solution. You’ll cover everything from communications and signal processing through to control engineering.
Science behind sitting
Ground-breaking research on the impact of sitting on our health from the University of Leicester has shaped clinical guidelines across the globe.
How much time do students spend studying?
Posted by Andrew Dunn in Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog on November 1, 2019 The 2019 engagement survey by AdvanceHE records a decline since 2016 in the proportion of students spending 11 hours or more per week in taught classes and/or independent learning;...