
8685 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Italian Language (Post-Beginners)

    Module code: IT2005 (double module) Language study will be based on an integrated communicative approach and will be placed in a context that relates to contemporary life, society and culture in Italy.

  • Italian Language (Proficiency)

    Module code: IT3010 (double module) Language study will be based on an integrated communicative approach and will be placed in a context that relates to contemporary life, society and culture in Italy.

  • Italian Language (Post-Advanced)

    Module code: IT2024 (double module) Language study will be based on an integrated communicative approach and will be placed in a context that relates to contemporary life, society and culture in Italy.

  • Satisfactory Academic Progress policy

    Overview All students who receive US Federal Title IV funding whilst studying at the University of Leicester are required to make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) in order to continue to be eligible to receive funding.

  • Study

    Museum Studies at Leicester offers a wide range of postgraduate study opportunities as well as research degrees to meet your requirements.

  • Fundamental Knowledge, Values and Skills for Mental Health Assessment

    Module code: NU2013 (double module) Mental health issues have a wide impact on individuals, families and carers and the wider society – we will discuss examples of these impacts, such as the effect it has on an individual that is caring for a family member that has a mental...

  • Biological Sciences Applied to Nursing

    Module code: NU1003 Knowledge of biological sciences is crucial to the advancement and practice of nursing, and this module will equip you with the indispensable understanding of the human body.

  • Social and Psychological Concepts of Public Health and Social Care

    Module code: NU1004 In this module we will explore the grand scheme of public health and social care – a sector in which nurses are crucially present at every stage.

  • Planning, Intervention and Evaluation of Care for Children and Young People

    Module code: NU2115 (double module) In this module you will identify the role a nurse has in negotiating nursing care with patients, families and carers and we will focus in particular on the care of children and young people.

  • Fundamental Knowledge and Skills for Mental Health Assessment and Practice

    Module code: NU2003 (double module) Mental health issues have a wide impact on individuals, families and carers and the wider society – we will discuss examples of these impacts, such as the effect it has on an individual that is caring for a family member that has a mental...

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