
9709 results for: ‘map’

  • Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Lei

    Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester

  • Stephen Walker

    Stephen is an Educational Development Adviser with the Leicester Learning Institute and works closely with colleagues across the university to provide a range of support and training services.

  • Joining the Library

    Information about becoming a member of the library and the rules and regulations members should abide by.

  • Academic appeals

    These webpages are intended to explain the Academic Appeals process as detailed in Senate Regulation 10. Please read these pages before submitting an Academic Appeal.

  • A Literal Escape Room: an experiential approach to study skills

    Posted by apatel in Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching on September 27, 2018 Developed by Mark Van Der Enden, Tracy Dix, and Alex Patel The challenge and rationale… The problem with ‘study skills’ workshops are that, typically, they are boring,...

  • Speaker biographies

    Keynote address: Equality and Equity: reflections on language, assumptions and actions Professor Nisreen Alwan Professor Nisreen Alwan is a Professor of Public Health at the University of Southampton and Honorary Consultant in Public Health at University Hospital...

  • After Brexit, Trump?

    Posted by Fabian Frenzel in School of Business Blog on February 3, 2017   Dr Fabian Frenzel of the Management and Organization Division of the School discusses the Anti-Trump protests across the UK and what they mean for Brexit Britain.

  • Library Special Collections: Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester: Page 11

    Academic and staff blogs from the University of Leicester


    An MRI study looking at the heart and brains of veteran endurance athletes

  • The Great Escape

    Posted by Carrie Crockett in Carceral Archipelago on April 19, 2016 Peter A. Kropotkin, 1842-1921   Peter Kropotkin is remembered today as a brilliant Russian social revolutionary, geographer, scientist, and anarchist writer.

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