Terms and conditions of your offer
1. Terms and conditions of agreement relating to this offer 1.1 The full terms and conditions of your agreement with the University regarding the Offer are contained in the regulations made by the University’s Senate (Senate Regulations). 1.
The Centre for Endangered Archaeology and Heritage is based within the School of Archaeology and Ancient History, though it seeks to engage with other researchers across the University interested in heritage issues or the technologies applicable to monitoring and recording...
The Centre for Hate Studies
The Centre for Hate Studies at the University of Leicester works with organisations all over the world to tackle hate and extremism through evidence-based training, research and shaping policy.
Plant science lectures
Find out about the plant science lectures that the University of Leicester offers to local schools and colleges.
Dialect in Diaspora: Linguistic Variation in Early Anglo-Saxon England
Academic advisors Dr Phillip Shaw Dr Jayne Carroll Professor Joanna Story Research Associate Dr Martin Findell The origins of the English language present a complex problem of historical reconstruction.
Museum Studies Connect
Find out how graduates in Museum Studies at the University of Leicester are vital to our continued success and about our graduate network, Museum Studies Connect.
(In)visible Convict Heritage on Rottnest Island
Blog on heritage of convict aboriginal history on Rottnest Island also known as Wadjemup, West Australia
Get involved
From joining the Alumni Association Standing Committee, to mentoring, to simply sharing your post-graduation story with us, there are so many ways that you can stay involved with the University and its current students.
Trauma training testimonials privacy notice
Information you need to know The Sanctuary Seekers’ Unit is part of the University of Leicester. The University of Leicester is the Data Controller for the information collected during this project.
Collaborative research
The University works with all types of partners to deliver research and innovation.