Artefact Analysis
Module code: AR2031 It is an often-quoted saying in archaeology that "the data does not speak for itself.
Towards Modernity: Postmedieval and Historical Archaeology
Module code: AR2042 The postmedieval or ‘historical’ period is generally defined as the last 500 years.
Boom Literature: Language and Creation
Module code: SP3134 In this module we will study the work of four authors: Carlos Fuentes (Mexico), Jorge Luis Borges (Argentina), Rosario Castellanos (Mexico) and Gabriel García Márquez (Colombia).
Californian Drylands
Module code: GY3091 The centrepiece of this module is a ten-day field trip to the Mojave Desert and Death Valley, which will give you first-hand knowledge and experience of a dryland environment and a solid background in dryland geomorphology.
Geographical Research in the Field (Human Geography Overseas Field Course)
Module code: GY2153 During this module students will develop the skills required to undertake research in human geography, including how to review the literature and come up with their own research questions, how to formulate aims and objectives of their research,...
27th November 2015 Sol 1176
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on November 27, 2015 We have reached the Bagnold Dunes and are driving through a gap. The dark colour is due to the iron and magnesium-rich composition of the sand grains (minerals like olivine and pyroxene).
Research Fellows and Associates
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21st August 2014 Sol 726
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on August 21, 2014 As we were performing a minidrill – thats the smaller test hole prior to a large full drill hole – the prongs that keep the turret and drill steady slipped by a small amount..
3rd May 2013 Sol 263
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on May 3, 2013 Our first image has come back after conjunction. Here is the Chemcam remote microimager (RMI) of our titanium calibration target.
The Leicester and Leicestershire SCITT
Leicester and Leicestershire SCITT is a well-established organisation offering both School Direct and School Centred routes to a PGCE, awarded by the University of Leicester.