Why the universal age-happiness ‘U-shape’ is a myth
New research shows that happiness often does not increase as people get older.
Power in the World Economy
Module code: PL1021 The strength of its economy often determines the level of power a country has internationally.
Power in the World Economy
Module code: PL1021 The strength of its economy often determines the level of power a country has internationally.
Leicester bucks national trend in recruiting mature students
Our University is contributing to a national briefing on Supporting Mature Students in Higher Education.
The Later Roman Empire AD 235-430
Module code: AH3551 Late Antiquity was a period of dramatic change. Shaken by civil war in the third century, the Roman Empire was reborn under the emperor Diocletian (284-306), and refashioned under his successors into a grand and tyrannical military state.
Parties and Politics in Britain, 1914-1974
Module code: HS3625 Module Outline British politics went through major changes during the two World Wars and in the decades after them.
Team to take on the Three Peaks Challenge in 24 hours
A team of students is preparing to climb the highest peaks in Scotland, England and Wales to raise awareness of mental health issues.
Museums and an ageing population
This session explored how museums can meet the needs of older people, putting older people’s rights at the centre of Museum practice.
Fiendish Friday Quiz #5: Answers
Answers to a fifth Evelyn Waugh quiz, taken From the Evelyn Waugh Newsletter Vol. 24 No. 2
'I’d Rather Walk - Except I Can’t: Abuse of Disabled People on Public Transport' will be given by David Wilkin