Posted by Physics and Astronomy in Physics and Astronomy Blog on 26 March 2024 Thanks to support from the Institute for Space, we are re-opening a pplications for the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE2024) scheme for 2nd, 3rd and 4th year Leicester undergraduates.
Human and Social Geography
Find your research degree supervisor in Human and Social Geography at Leicester.
Between Diaspora and the 'Land of Israel': Jewish Dress, Migration and Belonging, 1880s-1948
External partners and collaborators|Dress expresses intimate feelings of belonging and identity. A focus on dress is especially rewarding when looking at migrant societies in which people from diverse backgrounds have often different ideas of how one should dress and why.
Participating in care: Midwifery practice 1
Module code: MW1011 This module is facilitated using a combination of lectures, online learning packages, clinical skills / simulation workshops and clinical practice and is where you will learn to participate and initiate care and support women throughout their pregnancy,...
Participating in care: Midwifery practice 1
Module code: MW1011 This module is facilitated using a combination of lectures, online learning packages, clinical skills / simulation workshops and clinical practice and is where you will learn to participate and initiate care and support women throughout their pregnancy,...
Browse a list of the academic and professional services staff working within the Victorian Studies Centre, and see their contact details.
Leadership for Social Justice in Education (Specialist Study)
Module code: ED7321 Building on the first module, this module looks at concepts such as values, constructivism (the concept that learning is an active process) and social learning (where people can learn through observation and imitation) in learning communities.
Managing our environmental impacts
Learn more about how we are managing our environmental impacts, including our environmental and sustainability strategy, and our environmental and sustainability masterplans.
Photos and biographies of the speakers who will be presenting at the MREM Conference 2023
Public International Law LLM
This is for you if... you want a globally recognised qualification in your chosen field while having the freedom and flexibility to explore other areas of law.