Monira named Volunteer of the Year
Monira Mubaarak, a second year Psychology undergraduate student, has been presented with the Frank May Cup after being named the ‘Volunteer of the Year’.
An Oxford Quarrel: Evelyn Waugh and Hugh Trevor-Roper
Milena Borden gives a brief history of Evelyn Waugh's hostile relationship with Hugh Trevor-Roper - and asks what it tells us about Oxford's post-war battle of ideas.
REACH teacher privacy notice for teachers, advisers, care workers and/or parents
Get more information about how the data is handled for teachers and learners around the collaborative partnership of the REACH team.
Military History Live event in Leicester
An Alumnus of the University who was involved in the establishment of the Centre for Hate Studies at Leicester is launching his book at a Military History Live event in Leicester.
Everybody Counts
The Everybody Counts project aims to provide children aged 4 to 12 in the local community with imaginative educational materials to help improve their numeracy skills.
Ed Coates
It is with sadness that we learnt the loss of Ed Coates, who worked as a Facilities Assistant within PACS.
Did the AIM fail to hit its targets?
Posted by in School of Business Blog on January 6, 2016 In a recently published paper, Stuart Macdonald , Visiting Professor at the School, critically assesses the performance of the Advanced Institute of Management Research (AIM) The AIM was established by the UK government...
Declining local paper sales are a danger to democracy
Action needs to be taken to prevent a crisis for local democracy as a result of the dramatic decline in local press readership, a Leicester academic told BBC listeners this week.
New supercomputer heading for Leicester
A new generation of supercomputer is coming to Leicester. The University is one of only three UK universities selected to host the supercomputers which will facilitate processing data used in industrial R&D and academic research.
Attenboroughs pledge support for Leicesters centenary celebration
Sir David Attenborough OM and his nephew, Michael Attenborough CBE, were the guests of honour at the University's Alumni Association’s Black Tie Dinner event in London last night, where they were announced as the patrons of our upcoming centenary celebrations.