
13284 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • PowerPoint doesn’t kill presentations – people do

    Posted by Stephen Walker in Leicester Learning Institute: Enhancing learning and teaching on March 6, 2017 Bent Meier Sørensen, a Professor in the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, Copenhagen University wrote an impressive article in The Independent last...

  • Arch-I-Scan blog virtual conference presentation – University of Leicester

    Arch-I-Scan's first conference presentation at the virtual European Association of Archaeologists annual meeting about the project's approach and trusting AI

  • Earth Observation Science

    The Earth Observation Science (EOS) group uses data from sophisticated instruments in space to tackle today’s greatest environmental challenges, such as climate change and air pollution.

  • Talking points a range of topics tackled by academics this week

    Professor Norman Housley from the School of History has written an article about the BBC drama 'Wolf Hall', which portrays aspects of Tudor life, including diction, with what he describes as 'outstanding' historical accuracy.

  • What Business Schools could learn from My Local Bakery

    Posted by Martin Parker in School of Business Blog on January 29, 2014 Professor Martin Parker, Director of Research at the School, challenges the arguments underpinning mainstream accounts of Business and Management within his recently published co-edited collection.

  • LUTheatre presents: 'Posh' (to 25th)

  • Leading expert to discuss co-working and workplace culture

    A leading expert will be discussing co-working, technology and workplace culture, at an event entitled ‘Co-Working Dynamics and the City’ at the our University on Wednesday 1 March.

  • Lad culture in education promotes misogynistic messages researchers say

    Researchers will be debating the rise of ‘lad culture’ in education and how it promotes a ‘nexus of sexism’ at an upcoming free public event on 22 June.

  • Protecting sex workers

    In considering sex work, police and health practitioners have focused on ‘the street’ as the main location for sex workers. However, in the 21st century the sex industry has changed enormously, and today most commercial sex work happens online.

  • Participants and talks

    Learn more about the titles and abstracts of the myriad speakers at the autumn 2019 workshop at the University of Leicester.

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