
13284 results for: ‘CONTACT COLASHIP.SHOP TO ’

  • About LCTU

    The Clinical Trails Unit is a partnership between the University of Leicester and the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust for the delivery of clinical trials. Discover more about our remit, academic research and core competencies.

  • Publications

    The RCMG makes its research available to the widest possible audience.

  • Kamlesh Khunti

    Information and contact details for Professor Kamlesh Khunti, Professor of Primary Care Diabetes and Vascular Medicine at the University of Leicester.

  • Expert opinions cover trust within cultures colour the Anthropocene and more

    Professor Jo Brewis from our School of Business has explored the ways in which the gig economy is providing an insidious new means for women to be exposed to sexual harassment.

  • Expert opinions cover the General Election and the DUP tower blocks and media engagement plans

    Dr Simona Guerra from the School of History, Politics and International Relations recently wrote an article for La Razón discussing the recent snap election called by Theresa May.

  • Academic discusses US nuclear command and control modernisation

    Dr Andrew Futter from the Department of Politics and International Relations has written an article about US nuclear command and control modernisation.

  • Expert opinions cover stolen treasure sugar refugees the EU and market crashes

    Professor Martin Parker from the School of Management has written an article for The Conversation discussing the origin of the national institute, the Bank of England.

  • Lionheart Teach Primary

    Lionheart Teach (Formerly Beauchamp Teach) is the Leicestershire School Direct Initial Teacher Training run by the Lionheart Education Trust.

  • Continuing professional development modules and short courses

    We support continuing professional development (CPD) by providing high quality training and transferable skills for healthcare and non-healthcare professionals interested in diabetes, quality and safety in Healthcare and SCAN.

  • F-block element chemistry

    Learn more about f-block element chemistry and the research being undertaken in our sustainable synthesis and catalysis research group in the School of Chemistry.

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