Research Project
Module code: MU7008 The Research Project (MA only) includes a Research Retreat which supports the development of a supervised independent research project (April-June), which you submit (July) as an academic paper, professional report or proposal.
Matthew Winston
The academic profile of Dr Matthew Winston, Teaching Fellow at University of Leicester
Hongbiao Dong
Professor Hongbiao Dong is internationally renowned for his work in digital manufacturing, metal and alloys, .
Richard Packer
Practice Placement 3
Module code: RA3006 This module will see you explore the patient journey in your chosen specialty.
Practice Placement 3
Module code: RA3006 This module will see you explore the patient journey in your chosen specialty.
PhD Opportunities
Opportunities for PhD projects in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Leicester.
Graham Davies
The academic profile of Professor Graham Davies, Professor Emeritus Psychology at University of Leicester
Political Communication
Module code: MS7034 Who are the key actors, institutions and what are the issues in political communication? How are they relevant on an international context? In this module you will discover varying responses to these key questions, before using your knowledge to critically...
Issues in English Education 1
Module code: ED7136 In this module you will explore your own teaching and examine some of the challenges facing teachers of English in different settings and across the entire age range.