
8679 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Research

    Our research facility provides a number of specialist services, including: in vivo services, our preclinical imaging facility and our infectious organisms model.

  • Health care in public and private

    Wellcome Trust Strategic Award (£100,000) June 2010 - May 2014 Professor Steven King This project is underpinned by more than 20 individual and collaborative projects, each looking at some combination of the following key questions: How and why have political,...

  • PHOSP-COVID study data protection privacy notice

    Find information on the privacy notice for the Post-Hospitalisation COVID-19 Research Study (PHOSP-COVID) and how the University handles the data of those involved.

  • Research Methods and Dissertation

    Module code: MN7063 The aim of a dissertation is to produce an original piece of research using primary or secondary data, together with an appropriate methodology and data analysis framework.

  • Research Methods and Dissertation

    Module code: MN7063 The aim of a dissertation is to produce an original piece of research using primary or secondary data, together with an appropriate methodology and data analysis framework.

  • Undergraduate

    The University of Leicester School of Business offers a wide range of courses designed to give you the flexibility and choice to tailor your course to your needs and interests.

  • University expert to discuss how Leicester could do regeneration differently

    Leicester has an opportunity to learn from the mistakes of gentrification in cities worldwide and to pioneer a unique approach to regeneration that has the potential to become a Leicester brand, according to a Professor from our University.

  • Archive for October 2023: Page 2

    You are browsing the site archives by date.

  • Disaster Risk Reduction and International Development

    Module code: MN7638 Global warming, climate change, environmental disasters and terror threats present significant and growing threats to societies.

  • Disaster Risk Reduction and International Development

    Module code: MN7638 Global warming, climate change, environmental disasters and terror threats present significant and growing threats to societies.

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