Our research facility provides a number of specialist services, including: in vivo services, our preclinical imaging facility and our infectious organisms model.
Health care in public and private
Wellcome Trust Strategic Award (£100,000) June 2010 - May 2014 Professor Steven King This project is underpinned by more than 20 individual and collaborative projects, each looking at some combination of the following key questions: How and why have political,...
PHOSP-COVID study data protection privacy notice
Find information on the privacy notice for the Post-Hospitalisation COVID-19 Research Study (PHOSP-COVID) and how the University handles the data of those involved.
Research Methods and Dissertation
Module code: MN7063 The aim of a dissertation is to produce an original piece of research using primary or secondary data, together with an appropriate methodology and data analysis framework.
Research Methods and Dissertation
Module code: MN7063 The aim of a dissertation is to produce an original piece of research using primary or secondary data, together with an appropriate methodology and data analysis framework.
The University of Leicester School of Business offers a wide range of courses designed to give you the flexibility and choice to tailor your course to your needs and interests.
University expert to discuss how Leicester could do regeneration differently
Leicester has an opportunity to learn from the mistakes of gentrification in cities worldwide and to pioneer a unique approach to regeneration that has the potential to become a Leicester brand, according to a Professor from our University.
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Disaster Risk Reduction and International Development
Module code: MN7638 Global warming, climate change, environmental disasters and terror threats present significant and growing threats to societies.
Disaster Risk Reduction and International Development
Module code: MN7638 Global warming, climate change, environmental disasters and terror threats present significant and growing threats to societies.