
9709 results for: ‘map’

  • Archive of Philanthropy Impact Reports

    Download our Philanthropy Impact Reports (formerly Benefactors' Review) to read about how your generous gifts are used within the University.

  • Careers in Engineering, Energy and the Environment (including the Aerospace and Defence Sector)

    Careers in the sector Airline Pilot Electrical Engineer Electronics Engineer Maintenance Engineer Manufacturing Systems Engineer Materials Engineer Mechanical Engineer Network Engineer Project Engineer Systems...

  • Equalities should be Equal

    Posted by Martin Coffey in Postgraduate Researcher Careers on September 12, 2018 Ok, so I have to prefix the first paragraph by saying I do not watch reality TV.

  • New report raises concerns about the quality of care over baby twin deaths

    A new study investigating the quality of care provided to women whose twin babies died has revealed that improvements in care may have made a difference to the outcome for the babies in over half (54%) of the pregnancies reviewed.

  • World cricket diversity champion awarded Honorary Degree

    A former cricketer who has championed widening participation among the next generation of cricket stars has been awarded an Honorary Degree by the University of Leicester at a ceremony today (Tuesday 18 January).

  • Guides and learning resources

    We host the Midlands Regional Cryo-Electron Microscopy Facility. This state-of-the-art facility is centred around the very latest 300 kV Titan Krios Cryo-EM.

  • What is graduation?

    Your Graduation Ceremony is an opportunity to mark your achievements and acknowledge your hard work after your studies with the University of Leicester.

  • 350 Years Ago Pepys and the Easter of 1666

    350 years ago, on the Easter of 1666, famous diarist Samuel Pepys recorded how he failed to join a Church of England service at the Chapel in Whitehall Palace as it was too crowded over the festive period.

  • Archive of Annual Reviews

    Browse our archive of University of Leicester Annual Reviews.

  • Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) group

    This group is made up of members of the community who have volunteered their services to assist us in our research.

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