Molecular Methods and Experimental Design
Module code: BS4402 This module is designed to develop your experimental research skills and give you a comprehensive understanding of the theory and practice of key molecular biology techniques.
Representing Intercultural Meaning: Exhibition Making
Module code: MS7124 Module Outline In this module, you will study how a film festival or exhibition is organised, designed and curated, learning about the different formats and management structures.
The Media on Film
Module code: MS3014 This module engages in analysing how various media forms are represented and interrogated through film. The theoretical heart of the enquiry is a postmodernist one, thinking about intertextuality and (self)reflexivities in and across media texts.
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Hello world! Posted by eabbey in IMP – Improving my Pedagogy on November 9, 2018 Welcome to Sites. This is your first post.
The Media on Film
Module code: MS3014 This module engages in analysing how various media forms are represented and interrogated through film. The theoretical heart of the enquiry is a postmodernist one, thinking about intertextuality and (self)reflexivities in and across media texts.
Year 2 Language Project
Module code: ML2008 In this module, you will independently research a topic related to contemporary culture and society, using sources in the target language, with guidance from your supervisor.
Medical Genetics
Module code: MB3050 ‘Medical genetics’ will give you an appreciation of the application of genetics to a broad range of areas of modern medicine and illustrates ways in which genetic knowledge is impacting on cancer therapeutics.
Molecular Methods and Experimental Design
Module code: MB7402 This module is designed to develop your experimental research skills and give you a comprehensive understanding of the theory and practice of key molecular biology techniques.
Corporate Governance
Module code: LW7259 Corporate governance is concerned with the internal and external roles and relationships in a corporation including shareholders, managers, employees, creditors, consumers and other entities.