NERC Urgency Grant
Information on the NERC Urgency Grant, conducted by the University.
MedRACE Alumni
MedRACE alumni experiences and honorary teaching fellows
Extended Translation Project
Module code: TS7038 In this module, we will explore how to manage sizeable lengths of translation. You will learn and use different translation strategies as appropriate to solve translation issues, and manage and translate a text of considerable length.
Translating Different Genres
Module code: TS7030 Different genres use differing generic structures, language features and registers, and are intended for different audiences. Therefore, different genres need to be handled differently in a translation.
Dissertation (Film Studies)
Module code: HA3401 A dissertation is an extended independent research project completed as part of an undergraduate degree. Like most subjects in the Arts and Humanities, we attach particular significance to the dissertation.
Employment Law
Module code: LW3230 This module examines the role of law in regulating the employment relationship. On the one hand, the rights of individuals are considered, such as the protection against discrimination or unfair dismissal.
Dissertation (Media Studies)
Module code: MS3030 A dissertation is an extended independent research project completed as part of an undergraduate degree. Like most subjects in the Arts and Humanities, we attach particular significance to the dissertation.
Attitude and Orbit Control Systems
Module code: EG7040 This module will introduce the limitations that classical control design, based on the use of nominal linear models, would encounter in a real-world operating environment such as unmodelled disturbances, uncertainty in the nominal model, and nonlinear effects.
Materials and Structures
Module code: EG2111 In this module you'll learn to design structures against failure caused by fixed loads and loads that vary as an engineering product is operated (fatigue).
Dissertation (Media Studies)
Module code: MS3030 A dissertation is an extended independent research project completed as part of an undergraduate degree. Like most subjects in the Arts and Humanities, we attach particular significance to the dissertation.