
21042 results for: ‘%s’

  • Human Geography for a Globalised World

    Module code: GY1411 This is an introductory Human Geography module in which you'll learn about how geographical perspectives can be applied to the contemporary world and current affairs.

  • Wet laboratory

    The wet laboratory is a purpose-built laboratory for sediment analysis, sample preparation, artefact washing and basic laboratory work.

  • Human Geography for a Globalised World

    Module code: GY1411 This is an introductory Human Geography module in which you'll learn about how geographical perspectives can be applied to the contemporary world and current affairs.

  • Human Geography for a Globalised World

    Module code: GY1411 This is an introductory Human Geography module in which you'll learn about how geographical perspectives can be applied to the contemporary world and current affairs.

  • Leicester Presessional English Test FAQs

    Leicester Presessional English Test FAQ's

  • Mental Health Problems and Children with Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties - SEBDA 2

    Module codes: ED7128, ED7129 This option is for professionals who work with children and young people who are experiencing social, emotional and behavioural difficulties in mainstream and special schools, pupil referral units, care or other settings.

  • Drugs and Crime

    Module code: CR3020 There are many key debates surrounding illicit substances and their impact on contemporary society. You’ll be focusing on both demand reduction and supply reduction, particularly drug trafficking and the policing of drug markets.

  • Excel for Data Science

    Module code: MA7444 Just about everywhere you find data you’ll also find spreadsheets. This module will show you how to decide when Excel is the best tool for a data science task.

  • Family open days

    The Division of Biomedical Services opened our doors to our friends and family for a tour of the facility.

  • Drugs and Crime

    Module code: CR3020 There are many key debates surrounding illicit substances and their impact on contemporary society. You’ll be focusing on both demand reduction and supply reduction, particularly drug trafficking and the policing of drug markets.

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