
8675 results for: ‘global learning outcomes’

  • Sanctuary Scholarships

    Help reduce the barriers to participation in HE faced by those seeking asylum in the UK. Tuition fee waiver, contribution to living costs and tailored personal support.

  • Services Marketing

    Module code: MN3119 This module offers a theoretically informed understanding of the fundamentals of services marketing and management.

  • Services Marketing

    Module code: MN3119 This module offers a theoretically informed understanding of the fundamentals of services marketing and management.

  • A Snapshot of Collaborative Work in History

    Posted by Clare Anderson in Carceral Archipelago on September 9, 2016 During my PhD study and for the first ten years of my academic career, I researched alone.

  • Fabian Frenzel

    Lecturer in the Political Economy of Organisation.

  • University of Leicester experts to present pioneering space research at the 75th International Astronautical Congress

    Three key members of the University’s Space Park Leicester team are presenting work at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Milan this week.

  • Decolonising Criminology

    Module code: CR2033 Over the course of this module, you will discuss: What does decolonising criminology mean, why is it important, and how can we decolonise criminology? You will start to understand what “racial capitalism” is and how it impacts access to justice? By...

  • Local Freemasons donate 32000 to fund University research

    The Freemasons’ Grand Charity has donated £32,000 to the University to fund research into visual impairments and the impact these have on different groups and their reading abilities.

  • Project to investigate genetic roots of resistance to anti-cancer therapy agents

    The mechanisms that cause cancers to respond poorly to therapy are to be investigated in a project that commemorates and honours the work of an eminent Leicester geneticist.

  • Black women at greater risk of dying from uterine cancer

    Women in Black ethnic minority groups are at greater risk of dying from uterine, (womb) cancer, latest data shows

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