Study skills support
We've got a range of support for students who learn differently and need guidance when it comes to studying effectively.
Mining big data
Major trauma or life threatening injuries is the most likely cause of fatality in children and adults up to the age of 55 in the UK, causing some 3,000 hospital deaths a year.
North America
If you are from North America, use this page to navigate to your country to find out about entry requirements, national student societies and other country-specific information.
Mathematics in Business
Module code: MA1254 During this module you will work in groups on case studies taken from real life.
Body Systems 1
Module code: BS1083 This is the first of four modules that will begin to cover systems of the body.
Body Systems 1
Module code: BS1083 This is the first of four modules that will begin to cover systems of the body.
Strategic Communications Management
Module code: MS7310 This module explores the theory and practice of strategic communications management within organisational settings, and campaigns management more generally.
Strategic Communications Management
Module code: MS7310 This module explores the theory and practice of strategic communications management within organisational settings, and campaigns management more generally.
Strategic Communications Management
Module code: MS7310 This module explores the theory and practice of strategic communications management within organisational settings, and campaigns management more generally.
Executive Board
The University Executive Board is responsible for steering and supporting the strategic direction of the University.