Medical Research MSc (intercalated)
The iMSc in Medical Research is a bespoke course that has been designed specifically for intercalating medical students, providing you with training in research methodologies as well as a yearlong research project, allowing you to put into practice the taught components of...
Group Project
Module code: EG4007 The project is your opportunity to undertake an advanced research or design project as part of a team. It provides you the opportunity to bring all of your skills and knowledge together to develop a feasible engineering solution to a substantial problem.
Group Project
Module code: EG4007 The project is your opportunity to undertake an advanced research or design project as part of a team. It provides you the opportunity to bring all of your skills and knowledge together to develop a feasible engineering solution to a substantial problem.
Focus on synthetic biology in prize lecture at University of Leicester
The winner of the Institute of Physics Tom Duke Prize, Andrew Turberfield, a Professor of Physics at the Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford, is to deliver his prize lecture at the University of Leicester.
Study suggests corporations could be destroyed by psychopathic leadership
According to new research led by the Universities of Leicester and Coventry, investing in companies that have psychopaths in their higher echelons of power could be harmful to your wealth.
Saturday 27th October Sol 80
Posted by jbridges in Mars Science Laboratory Blog on October 27, 2012 The Mars Yard at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory contains the ‘Scarecrow’ Curiosity rover, used to test going over obstacles and up slopes.
Leicestershire County Council
The East Midlands Oral History Archive is supported by Leicestershire County Council with physical material (such as cassette tapes and reel-to-reel tapes) being held in the Record Office for Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland, based in Wigston Magna.
Field Data Capture
Module code: GY7711 This module is field-based and is primarily taught intensively over a week. The module covers a variety of technologies used in the field for capturing primary digital geomatic information.
Field Data Capture
Module code: GY7711 This module is field-based and is primarily taught intensively over a week. The module covers a variety of technologies used in the field for capturing primary digital geomatic information.
Field Data Capture
Module code: GY7711 This module is field-based and is primarily taught intensively over a week. The module covers a variety of technologies used in the field for capturing primary digital geomatic information.