Lionheart Teach
The Beauchamp Lionheart Trust Partnership with the University of Leicester ensures that you are supported by an experienced team of academic tutors. Find out more about the Trust and how we partner with Leicester to deliver the School Direct Secondary PGCE.
Dynamic DNA
Every year GENIE (Genetics Education Networking for Innovation and Excellence) runs a Dynamic DNA outreach event for year nine pupils from local schools.
Browse our past conferences in the Medieval Research Centre's events archive.
Talking points a range of topical issues tackled by academics 14 27 May
Professor Steven Brown from the School of Management has written a piece for Germany's The European Magazine about how a “memory boom” has left Europe littered with monuments - so much so that when we’re not actively protesting them, we look right past...
Student Profile: Megan
PhD Topic My topic is Vagrancy in the Midlands between 1832 and 1896. Where did you study your undergraduate/masters? I studied a BA in Modern and Contemporary History at Bangor University and an MA in History at Bangor University.
GP numbers associated with life expectancy in England, study shows
Patients with access to fully qualified GPs, higher funding of general practices and increased continuity of care, live longer according to new research by a University of Leicester academic.
Civil rights expert to deliver annual American Studies lecture
An expert on the history of the Black Power movement will deliver a free public lecture at the University of Leicester on Monday 21 October.
Mary McIntosh (1936-2013)
Mary McIntosh, a lecturer and influential sociologist, was a founding member of the Leicester Campaign for Racial Equality and involved in setting up the Gay Liberation Front.
The Clive Harrison collection
The Clive Harrison collection is made up of six interviews with doctors, nurses and patients discussing their experiences with health care in Leicester before the introduction of the NHS in 1947. Get more information about the collection.
Information Visualisation
Module code: GY7413 This module focuses on information visualisation as an effective approach to exploring, analysing, and communicating knowledge from data.